Morbius Is Looking Like More BS

For all the none of you that have been dying for a stand-alone Morbius origin film, well, here is your first peek at the 2022 film. Starring Jared Leto, Morbius is the story of a dying doctor that turns into a vampiric C-tier Spider-Man villain. If it sounds like I’m being pessimistic, that’s because it’s hard to be anything but, especially after you watch this trailer.

For starters, we get the somber remix of a classic rock hit troupe that will not go away. In this case, it’s “People Are Strange” by The Doors. Trailer editors, please, please stop doing this. Few things generate an eye-roll faster in 2021. I watched the trailer for season two of Netflix’s The Witcher earlier today and Kanye West’s “Monster” is in it. It didn’t fit, and it was even more cringy when you realize that it was likely only included because, in the Witcher, Geralt fights…you guessed it, monsters.

Next, we see a very sketchy-looking CGI jungle. If I didn’t know better then I might think that this was from Peter Jackson’s King Kong movie. With Covid 19 and the pandemic, this is probably something that we’re going to notice more and more for the next few years. With travel restrictions and such, you’ll see more CGI locations than usual. I just hope that they look better than this.

Let’s be real for a minute here: Despite Sony’s Tom Holland Spider-Man movies being pretty great, Marvel and Kevin Feige’s involvement in those are the reason for it. You don’t have to look any further than Sony’s Venom movies for proof of that. I know that we’re all scared to say anything bad about anything these days, but when you say that Venom Let There Be Carnage is an ode to those pre-Marvel Studios comic book movies from the early 2000’s, you know that you’re saying that it’s forgettable and lame.

In that sense, Morbius looks a lot like Venom. But I do applaud their effort to try and make you care by knocking you over the head with references to Venom and the Spider-Man films.


Husband. Godfather. Dog Dad. NBA Free Agent.

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